Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Older people also recorded successes. Terry Tyack, a grandfather, scored his 26th A-level pass. At the age of 73, he picked up a C in modern history after studying at Trowbridge College in Wiltshire. "They called it modern history but it was just like general knowledge for me because I lived through most of it. We had a little champagne at college and now I'm going to take my grandson out for a celebratory bite to eat."

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/alevel-results-britains-top-pupil-rejects-oxbridge-1113734.html

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Book from TI has arrived!

When I clicked the link to get a copy of the book "OMAP and DaVinci Software for dummies" at the TI webpage, I thought it's gonna cost me something but I was plesantly surprised when they did not request for any payment details and by all indications, seem to be for free.

Since it's free, and being a true blue Singaporean, I accepted it.

Today, it finally arrived in the mail and on opening it, marked right on the top left: "Compliments of Texas Instruments". Nice.

Thanks TI!